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DayBack Status – Search Results

Official status page for DayBack Calendar. Follow for updates, new features, and infrastructure status.

Faster Response to Switching Calendars and Dates

Today’s update improves the calendar’s responsiveness when fetching events and disabling calendars or navigating dates. (This update also adds the ability to assign the “Before Events Fetched” action to read-only calendars.) The responsiveness improvement allows you to turn off a calendar while it’s fetching events. This will immediately kill the fetch process, and the UI will respond right away. The one exception is in FileMaker: if a script is actively running, the web viewer cannot receive input. So, if events are being fetched, that process will most likely need to finish before the UI can respond to input.

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New Bookmark Date Range Options and New Trigger

This update adds new options for private and group bookmarks, including always starting the view on the first day of the week, the first day of the month, the first day of the quarter, or the first day of the year. Screenshot below. This update also adds a new event action trigger called “Before Events Fetched.” This trigger will allow you to run an action before events are fetched for a specific calendar, and you can choose to prevent those events from being fetched as well.

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Improved Resource Selector on Mobile

Today’s update resolves an issue where the related resource selector wasn’t visible on mobile for Salesforce. It also resolves an issue where field data in the popover could wrap to the next line if changing data changed the field label. In addition, wo new helper functions were added for working with language translations. dbk.getTranslations() and dbk.getLanguage().

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Expand the Unscheduled Items List

Today’s update adds the ability to resize the unscheduled sidebar and fixes a potential issue in which the static map would not appear in the location drawer in rare circumstances.

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Free/Busy in Google Calendars

Today’s update improves the behavior of Google calendars shared as free/busy: they’ll now show as read-only events. This update also improves the folder selection behavior in the left-hand sidebar. Folders will now show their blue selected state when they are expanded and collapsed.

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Big Improvements to Resource Selection

We’ve changed the way you filter and assign resources when editing events. These changes make it much easier for folks who are assigning multiple resources to the same event, especially if they are arranging their views by one kind of resource (rooms, for example) and assigning a different kind of resource when editing events (like assigning staff). You’ll find a video of the new behaviors and a description of what’s new here: Adding Multiple Resources to an Item.

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Faster Deletes in FileMaker

Today’s update adds the ability to delete events from a FileMaker script without having to open the event detail layout from DayBack first. Learn more:

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Improved Color Picker and Misc Bug Fixes

This update fixes an issue where color pickers in DayBack would reset the color selection when changing the saturation to zero. It also fixes an issue that could cause a (harmless) error regarding notification messages in the developer console. This update also removes an unnecessary alert that could show up when retrieving calendars.

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Built-in Support for Salesforce Scheduler

Today’s update adds built-in support for Salesforce Lightning Scheduler, configuring DayBack to recognize Service Appointments if that object is present when customers first install DayBack into their org. This update also improves messaging when checking field mapping in Salesforce if the Display field is not set.

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