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Official status page for DayBack Calendar. Follow for updates, new features, and infrastructure status.

DayBack BETA: Drag to Extend Timed Events to Multiple Days

Now you can extend the duration of timed events to multiple days in the calendar’s all-day views (instead of just dragging to extend the time within one day). ”Timed events” have a start and end time, instead of being “all day.” This is useful for folks who are using timed events to represent all-day or multi-day events; doing this means than these events respect timezones and is especially important when timezones could cause an event to start or end on a different day depending on your timezone.

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New Two or Three Week Option for Week View

You can now expand the week views in DayBack to two or three weeks. Keep one eye on the next week while you’re planning this one: working at longer timescales like this helps prevent deadlines from sneaking up on you. Learn more about the new view, along with tips for getting the most out of it: New Options for Week View.

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Bug Fixes for Loading the Calendar

The bug fixes that were in beta last week have been released to production. This includes a fix for an issue that was preventing the After Events Rendered action from firing on the calendar’s first load. It also fixes a bug where whole calendars sometimes wouldn’t load when navigating back to the calendar from admin settings, or where events might appear offset from their proper positions.

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DayBack BETA: Bug Fixes for Loading

There are a couple bug fixes in beta that you may want to check out by closing and reopening the calendar in beta mode a few times. This includes a fix for an issue that was preventing the After Events Rendered action from firing on first load. This also includes a fix for an issue where some calendar events wouldn’t load when navigating back to the calendar from admin settings.  We will be publishing this to production on Monday morning, August 26th.

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Fixed Small HTML Formatting Issue

In resource schedule view there was a bug preventing the ability to target the calendar grid cells based on date or resource name due to a formatting issue. This has now been resolved.

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New App Action Helper and Bug Fix

Today’s update adds a new app action helper function dbk.updateEditEvent(). It also resolves an issue that could lead to the loading image remaining if there was a Before Calendar Rendered action set to Prevent Default and action.callbacks.cancel() was used.

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Events Rendering and Calendars Fetched Bug Fix

Today’s update resolves an issue where events could render in incorrect positions in some rare circumstances when loading with the sidebar closed. It also resolves and issue where changing the calendar selection state in an “On Calendars Fetched” app action would update the selection state in the sidebar but the calendar would not retrieve events for that calendar.

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Faster Loading and Improved Custom Actions

The two latest builds that folks have been playing with in BETA have been deployed to production. You should notice that the calendar loads faster, especially on slower connections. We have also made it easier to write multiple custom actions that use the same trigger. Details can be found here:

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DayBack BETA: Faster Loading

Today’s update to Beta brings new version notifications and a faster first load to DayBack. Changes include: Beta now includes the July 20 custom actions refactor and these speed improvements, though these will likely be deployed to production separately. The custom action refactor is scheduled to go live on the morning of August 6th.

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Script Opening and Closing the Right-Hand Sidebar

Today’s update adds a new helper function for programmatically adjusting the right-hand sidebar. This includes the ability to show and hide it or change the tab being displayed if there is more than one available. (Currently, the only tab available is the unscheduled items list. Docs on the new method are here:

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